Image size guide for social media graphics

Image size guide for social media

Try this handy infographic to get your images the right size for the various social media graphics needed on different platforms. Avoid blurry logos or distorted portraits by getting the dimensions spot on for your chosen social channel.

As social media platforms form such a vital channel in connecting with you audience it is important to make sure that you look good – first impressions really do count, yet I still find quite large well resourced businesses that present a less than perfect image to their potential followers or new found friends.

Social media graphics sizes

With so many different graphic specifications it is hard to remember the many different requirements. However help is at hand and Ashleigh Ray has done the hard work and posted a great infographic at

Double click on the image to open a full size version. Bookmark it and use it to keep your public (social) face optimised.

Getting your graphics right is just one step in the right direction. Optimisation of any one aspect will not guarantee online success however getting as many right as possible will boost your online interactions. Have a look at this recent post on tuning up you Twitter page for maximum impact and efficiency.

If you would like some help on getting your social media up to speed why not get in touch – we offer prompt affordable help >>