If you are doing well you may well convert 10% of you visitors but what are you doing about the remainder?

Looked at a couple of of sites this week where the owners have made great efforts to make a smooth path for customers into their buying funnel – nothing wrong with that. However they were ignoring the interests and potential of the larger part of the sites visitors.

Look at  your analytics, what do you know about visitors who don’t convert? Find out about them, collect their data and you can begin a conversation with them. They were interested enough to be on your site so might well be your next customer. If you can get their attention and engagement a second or third visit may well deliver the conversion.

The point here is to ensure that you have plenty of Calls To Action (CTA) which will allow you to begin that dialog. Your CTA should link to a form, download or registration so you can exchange knowledge, news or kudos in return for email, names and the all important opportunity for for future contact.

If you need some inspiration have a look at this post from Hubspot which offers 20 great tips on what it takes to have really compelling CTA’s.

Get these right and your site will then be working harder on the larger part of your visitors.