Once you have added a business blog as another string to your online marketing bow make sure you are getting the best from the effort and resource you put into it.
A business blog is not and end in itself but needs to be seen as part of your sales funnel. So consider for each post who the target reader is and how best to nurture them.
It takes the same amount of effort to produce a post that will work hard for you as one that does not. Plan ahead before you post and you can engage with the right visitors at the right time.
Top of the funnel or attraction stage
Firstly think about who you are writing for and what they are interested in. Big Hint -Its not about you! Try and match what they are most likely to be searching for and use the same language. You are likely to have more than one customer type who will have different outlooks and interests – only write for a specific group or “persona” at a time.
Having selected your audience you should be making sure that your posts are aimed at specific (and related variations) keywords. These terms or phrases should be in your page title, headline and body text. Don’t forget to fully name and caption your supporting images.
Having crafted your post place it into the right categories and use tags – all will help you get found by an interested audience.
If all this effort is going to work hard for you there needs to be a call to action “CTA”. Give the reader a reason to engage and leave you some details. As you have only just met they probably are not ready to buy and get a sales pitch so look at offering educational material in the form of a guide or white paper. If you get a name and email in exchange you can then follow up and continue the conversation.
At the very least offer a range of social links that will facilitate future dialog or allow them to share your engaging content with their own networks
Middle of the funnel – repeat traffic – nurturing your contacts
This segment often get ignored. Add posts to your blog that cater for repeat traffic. Think about what your customers might be interested in as they become more focused on what they want from a product or service. Think about what gets discussed in the sales process and add posts that address these concerns or interests. The objective in the middle of the funnel is to nurture these contacts into better leads.
Your CTA for this type of post could be to more specific material such as a buyers guide or a more detailed look at how your products and services might fit their needs. You can also send links to these posts to visitors who have engaged at the top of the funnel.
Consider placing links for these relevant blog posts to the appropriate pages of your website such as product pages. This supporting material will help position you or you business as knowledgeable industry experts, enhancing credibility and supporting your sales process by boosting engagement with potential customers.
Keep sharing any of your posts via your own social media platforms – try and reach your audience in their preferred online space.
Business blog help
If you would like to do better with your business blog either planning it or extra resource to do it for you. Please get in touch we can offer affordable help >>