Getting the right result is directly linked to the quality of the content you provide to your audience. The right content to engage your particular target audience and the right treatment of that content for the social channel you are using. (This includes Posts, Tweets, graphics/images, marketing copy, news updates, status messages and timing – all need to be on target). You will also need to be clear on your goals and objectives so you can establish whether you have been effective or not.
This process and refining it will take time – Think long haul not quick fix. Here is an interesting observation from The BtoB Magazine research report that looked at social media marketing.

In this survey (end of last year 622 respondents) the average time to effectiveness was 13 months! (Not much overnight success here).
However don’t be put off article here shows benefits start from day one. Effectiveness however will take longer. As with any worthwhile relationship it takes time to create one with your audience. These are the steps you should be taking:
- Research you audience and listen to what they are saying – respond to your findings
- Collect data so you can see the true picture and measure changes – are you moving towards your objective and creating ROI?
- Consider all aspects of your social media marketing its not just one thing; SEO support, brand development, sales conversions, leads and prospects can all be measured and targeted for improvement.
The sooner you measure and respond, the faster your route to effective social media activity.