With so much spam out there, the question is how do you cut through it? The challenge is to make your marketing message attractive or engaging enough to cut through.
Have a look at these and you can see the scale of the problem.
1) Spam costs American consumers and firms nearly $20 billion each year. (Source: Journal of Economic Perspectives)
2) 43% of adults in the U.S. said that more than half of their emails are from marketers. (Source: Blue Kangaroo)
3) Cities estimate they spend $1 billion per year to dispose of direct mail. (Source: NY Times)
4) 3.5 billion tweets posted to Twitter every day are spam. (Source: BitDefender via Daily Mail)
5) 40% of social media accounts are spam. (Source: Mark Risher, Imperium via BusinessWeek)
6) 8% of social media posts are spam. (Source: Mark Risher, Imperium via BusinessWeek)
7) More than 4 million tons (62 billion pieces) of junk mail are produced yearly. (Source: 41pounds.org)
8) The average adult receives 41 lbs. of junk mail a year. (Source: 41pounds.org)
9) 87 billion spam emails were sent out every day in Q3 of 2012. (Source: Commtouch)
10) Spam averaged 74% of all emails sent during Q3 of 2012. (Source: Commtouch)
11) Marketing emails are responsible for 70% of ‘this is spam’ complaints. (Source: ReturnPath)
12) Advertising mail accounts for 1.8% of all waste in the United States. (Source: USPS)
13) 69% of those who are texters say they get unwanted spam or text messages. Of those texters, 25% face problems with spam/unwanted texts at least weekly. (Source: PewInternet)
14) Only 20% of businesses running mail campaigns track metrics to gauge the performance of their mailers. (Source: Pitney Bowes)