Try these simple tactics to boost your Twitter engagement. More engagement will increase your follower numbers, improving your marketing reach. The greater the number of interactions the more likely you are to gain traffic for your site and generate new customers.

There are now over 550,000,000 Twitter users with 135,000 sign-ups every day so it is an social platform that all businesses should engage with on a regular basis. It is not a quick fix and you should not expect instant results but after 6 to 12 months your Twitter activity should make a good contribution to your online marketing. Most business users find that after a little practice tweeting need only take up minutes of your day.

If you are building up your account and looking to grow your followers being efficient and using the right tactics will bring you much greater rewards for the same effort.

Twitter engagement can improve by tweeting at the right time

When to tweet for the best twitter engagement


You may want  to do some additional checks of your own audience to find the right sweet spot for tweeting. There are tools to help you do this:

Try Buffer, also your Twitter control panel has lot of helpful information

Twitter engagement can improve by having the right content

tweet the right thing for better twitter engagement


Remember to use images, links and hashtags as part of your tweeting content mix.

Quality not quantity of followers will boost your twitter engagement

Get the right followers for better twitter engagement


Don’t be tempted to chase after (or worse buy) new followers without any interest or relevance to your brand, product, service or industry. Take time to follow and favourite appropriate accounts.

Ask for what you want

ask for twitter interactions


Often its just a case of asking for what you want – just adding a “please RT” could give your tweets much better rates of engagement.

More on getting your whole Twitter profile right here>>

These helpful stats are taken from a useful infographic produced by Neil Patel at QuickSprout.

If you would like any affordable help or advice on getting better results from your social media why not get in touch.